May 2015

Leano on beach

Feeling All-Propped-Up: The Ultra-Portable Insta-Chair

Portable chairs have been around foreeeeever, foldable, packable, modular, you name it, making sure we stay comfy just about anywhere – at the beach, in the stands, at…

That Time of the Month? No Sweat, Just Cup It: The Ultra-Portable Personal Hygeine Device

First and foremost, have you even heard of a menstrual cup? It’s extremely surprising (and suspicious) how many people don’t even seem to know they exist. Hmmm… Are…

EasyLock in Place

Reinforcement Is Here: The Portable Door Safety System

Portable door safety devices are no strangers to PortAbout, given our last article on the DoorJammer (note, you’ll have to look for that on as SkyMall is…

The Drumi

So Fresh & So Green Clean: The Pedal-Powered Washing “Machine”

While not the most portable clothes washing system we’ve written about here on PortAbout, this little R2-D2 lookalike has nevertheless caught our attention and piqued our curiosity. It’s…